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Approaching the worldwide market requires a company to have some key business strengths and assets, most importantly being a highly trained design team. Cortex Controllers has worked hard for more than fifteen years to choose and develop a highly integrated electronic and mechanical design team with products in use throughout the world.
Cortex Controllers offices are situated in the heart of Cambridge, England. Home of Europe's leading university and the Science City of Europe. All operations from research to production are carried out from our custom designed offices. Thus ensuring a rapid response to our customers needs and good inter company communications.
Working in partnership with leading globally based companies, providing innovative own branded products, Cortex Controllers are strategically positioned to provide innovative electronic & mechatronic industrial products around the globe.
Cortex Controllers was formed in 1983 by Geoff Jones and Nick Toop
Nick had previously graduated from Cambridge University in Applied Mathematics and worked with Clive Sinclair on the first consumer micro-computer kits then becoming one of the first engineers at Acorn Computer designing hardware for their early computers. He then became chief engineer and later director of Intelligent Software designing numerous chess and other consumer playing machines and also designing the video chip for the Elan computer.
Geoff Jones spent a substantial time at The Cavendish Laboratory developing equipment for crystal growth and accessories for the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope and electron energy loss spectroscopy. After leaving The Cavendish he founded his own business designing and manufacturing accessories for electron microscopy such as microscope stage controllers, pico-ammeters and channel plate image intensifiers hence the companies name IMTEN.
Since its formation Cortex has developed well over 500 products mainly based on video overlay technology and stepper motor control initially for the co-ordinate measuring markets and later into the aviation field. Our products are sold by leading companies such as RS Components, Olympus, Mitutoyo and others.
The applications are diverse, for example our products are used in industries ranging from aerospace and automotive to zip manufacturers.
All products sold have been designed and manufactured by ourselves using the latest 68000 processor platform and using 'C' software . All our products are traceable and we operate an internally controlled quality system.
Copyright © 2002 Cortex Controllers Ltd. Cambridge, UK. All Rights Reserved.