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All jet turbine engines whether air, land or sea based have to be regularly inspected both in-suit (on wing, below deck) and in a jet engine shop non destructively. This is most frequently achieved optically by using a borescope/videoimagescope or fibrescope. A typical engine can have as many as a thousand blades, each has to be inspected for cracks, foreign object damage (FOD) and corrosion. To rotate the engine manually requires a combination of high force (150 foot pounds) to overcome stiction and high precision (motions of less than 3 degrees). In the past one person endeavoured to achieve this by hand cranking with a wrench whilst another person peered through a borescope attempting to check each and every blade as they whizzed past. Early attempts at automating this process used air motors; these were very powerful but extremely noisy and difficult to control especially to index in 3 degree steps. However, all this has changed with the introduction by Cortex of the quiet powerful stepper motor engine rotator.
Electronic Turbine Engine Turning Tool
Turbine engine inspection is quick, quiet and thorough.
The job is hands free requiring only one operator to perform the entire inspection.
The Electronic Turning Tool is supplied with a Hand Controller and Foot Pedal, allowing you to control the entire inspection and precisely position each blade for the best view.
Blades that need further examination can be tagged for later inspection, the Turning Tool reminds the operator that there are tagged blades for inspection and returns the engine to where those blades can be viewed.
When all blades have been inspected the Turning Tool confirms that this stage has been checked.
The unit is supplied with an electronic motor assembly and software module specifically for your turbine engine.
Adapters and software modules are available for most commercial and military engines manufactured by Rolls Royce, GE, Pratt & Whitney, SNECMA, Allied Signal and others.
World-wide distribution and support by Olympus, the worlds leading optical company
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