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From London
North of Cambridge continue from the M11 onto the A14 and proceed to the B1050 junction at Bar Hill.
Turn right over the motorway initially following the sign to Earith and Cambridge. Then turn left at the roundabout immediately beyond this and proceed along the B1050 towards Willingham.
After 1.1miles keep straight ahead/left at the first roundabout. This is a new road and may not show on old SatNav maps.
After 1 mile turn right at the second roundabout towards Willingham and Earith.
After abou 0.4 miles turn left at the third roundabout and continue towards Willingham.
Pass through the traffic lights at the entrance to the Park and Ride site and 150 yards beyond them turn right at the next right junction which is marked by a red "NO HGV" sign.
Our office should be visible down this junction on the left as a building made of light brick with a wavy aluminium roof.
If you pass over the guided bus route you will have gone to far and will have to turn round.
We have several visitor parking spaces.
From Newmarket or Huntindon
A14, turn off at the Bar Hill exit and proceed as above.
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